Sporting Chance’s prime objective is to provide opportunities for sporting achievement for as many children as possible – irrespective of race, gender or social class – by offering professional coaching within all community sectors. Based on the knowledge that the foundation for sporting ability is laid during the formative years, Sporting Chance advocates and implements various programmes for coaching school-age children.
Sporting Chance’s philosophy is to get children off the streets, or away from their computer games and TV’s and instill in them, a love of sport. With disciplined, structured coaching that strikes a balance between sports, academics, and “play”, Sporting Chance has developed some of South Africa’s most promising sportspeople.
Our Vision
To provide opportunities for sporting achievement and personal development for as many children as possible as they are empowered to become competent, confident and responsible citizens of South African society.
Our Mission
To provide the children of South Africa with a Sporting Chance.